ATW September 20, 2024
The Blood of the Apparent Martyrs

Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn
America This Week (September 20, 2024)

Matt Taibbi: All right, welcome to America This Week. I’m Matt Taibbi.

Walter Kirn: And I’m Walter Kirn.

Matt Taibbi: Walter, how are you doing

Walter Kirn: I’m cold. And that’s because in Montana, where it gets winter after August is over, I have no heat. There was a transformer fire in my alley. If you’ve ever seen one of those, it’s when one of the transformers on the power lines catches fire and then sprays burning oil on everything. And the fire-

Matt Taibbi: Awesome.

Walter Kirn: Yeah. The fire department, bless their hearts, didn’t seem to be properly trained for the transformer fire, and they made the rookie mistake of spraying water on the transformer. As anyone who’s tried to put out a grease fire with water in their kitchen knows that only spreads it. So we had this disaster, and it was actually a few weeks ago. And the surge involved with the fire blew out the circuit boards on a lot of my appliances, but I didn’t know it blew out my furnace too until I tried to turn my furnace on in a little bit of a cold snap, the last few days, and-

Matt Taibbi: Oh, no.

Walter Kirn: Yeah, so now it’s very catch-as-catch-can around here, there are space heaters from the hardware store blowing on my legs, and in certain rooms. We’re hoping to get back to civilization soon, but...

Matt Taibbi: Oh, that’s good. Okay. All right. Yeah, you can’t be in Montana without heat. Well, not for long anyway.

Walter Kirn: No. No. I might not be here next week.

Matt Taibbi: You’re going to end up the center of Iceman II? Remember that movie where they found the guy underneath the Antarctica or wherever it was? Okay. So crazy weekend news. We did a last room on Monday and we were curious to see how the backlash would play out after attempted... Assassination attempt. Apparent assassination attempt.

Walter Kirn: It’s strange that they have backlash now to assassination attempts, but they do.

Matt Taibbi: Yeah, no, folks are angry about it, and no one was angrier about it than the White House Press Secretary. And maybe it’s the media person in me, but I thought this was a profoundly weird exchange that took place in the September 18th White House press briefing. And what we’re about to watch is an exchange between Karine Jean-Pierre and Peter Doocy of Fox News. But we’re going to actually start it a little earlier with a question from Danny Kemp of, I think it’s AFP is who he works for. And he’s asking something kind of... It’s an offhand follow-up question, but you can tell it bothers Jean-Pierre quite a bit, and I think that impacts what happens afterward. But here we go.

09/17/24: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Danny Kemp: The other day, President Biden gave the thumbs-up when I asked him if he was going to be traveling to Angola, as our friend at Reuters reported. Do you have any more details on that? Can you confirm any details?

Karine Jean-Pierre: You asked the questions and your friends at Reuters reported it. Is that what you’re saying?

No, I don’t have anything. We don’t have anything at this time to share on any travel for the president, so stick there. Okay.

Matt Taibbi: All right. So okay, just to pause for a moment. So what he’s asking is, that the AFP guy is saying, I asked President Biden if he’s going to Angola and he gave me a thumbs-up. And the perfectly logical question by AFP is, he going to Angola? What’s going on there? And you can see, she does kind of the joke, that’s not really a joke or not really funny, laughs a little bit too long, doesn’t answer the question and moves on quickly. And I think this is ringing in her head before she even starts the Doocy thing that-

Walter Kirn: Well, because she realizes that he has no intention of going to Angola. He didn’t understand the question. He gave a thumbs up for some habitual reason as a response that was meant to end the conversation because he didn’t comprehend it. And now-

Matt Taibbi: Right. Hey, Mr. Biden. Nice pants.

Walter Kirn: Exactly. Suck on these nuts. Yeah.

Matt Taibbi: Exactly.

Walter Kirn: And now she’s stuck. Though I think that a president, once he’s made a contract before, the people should have to keep it. And the idea that Biden as one of his last acts as president will make a trip to Angola is just fantastic.

Matt Taibbi: And they should just turn him in a direction and have him walk in a certain way, say, “Just keep going. It’ll all work out well.” Okay, so that happens. She doesn’t want to answer the question about the president’s schedule because how many of these things am I going to have to do still, right? So then she turns... And this is sort of towards the end of the presser, and she knows Peter Doocy of Fox News, who’s kind of the consistent pain in the in these briefings for her.

Walter Kirn: He’s the Jim Acosta of the right.

Matt Taibbi: Right, exactly. And to Doocy’s credit, his demeanor is firm but not obnoxious, I would say. He’s good at this. I mean, there are a lot of people in the White House Press Corps who are good at what they do, because the whole game is about getting them to actually give you an answer. So you have to be subtle in how you present your questions and everything. And he’s a survivor. He is been doing this for a while. So anyway, he asked this.

Matt Taibbi: If you’re listening to this, there’s nothing you can do. But if you’re watching the translation of the sign language translator is an interesting counterpart to all this because sometimes there’s an effort to relay the emotion of the speaker, which is interesting. But anyway, let’s go on.

Matt Taibbi: The incident.

Matt Taibbi: Okay, let me stop just for a second here. So she’s treading water here. You can tell she hasn’t actually gotten to what the point is, and she’s buying time. And what’s going to happen is she’s going to try to dismount and end the whole deal, but he’s going to follow up, which really pisses her off. And then let’s see what happens from there.

Matt Taibbi: Here we go.

Matt Taibbi: Hold on a second. It’s funny, Walter, you’re doing exactly, I think what Doocy is doing. You are already... The contradiction in what she’s saying is so apparent that it’s trying to leap out of your face, and that’s what’s happening with Doocy, I think. There’s no two-shot here. You can’t see what’s going on with him, but I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening because it comes out in a second.

Matt Taibbi: Okay, all right. I don’t know how many presidents... I’ve never seen anything like that in a presser, but Walter, I have some thoughts, but do you?

Walter Kirn: He ran in 2020, in the most politically violent summer that I’ve ever seen. I mean, there were some in my youth around Vietnam, but in my adult life. Well, she had a strategy that she was planning to use if asked about this, obviously. It’s probably a party-wide strategy, and she tested it, which is to react as if you are being attacked when talk comes to him being attacked. You know what I mean? She said it was dangerous, what they were saying as though it was going to lead to some attack on Biden, or as if talking about what’s happened to Trump is some sort of mirror attack on them. It was an inversion strategy that she wasn’t prepared to work out in detail. So she started with the offense, “How dare you say that our rhetoric is heated?” And she didn’t know where to go with it, so she just floundered around with January 6th, which is their kind of...

Matt Taibbi: January 6th. January 6th. January 6th.

Walter Kirn: Well, it’s like a teddy bear. She just kept hugging it. It’s the security bear. But it showed, I think, that we’re living in a time of almost infallibly incomprehensible conflict because no one will even admit to reality at this point. I mean, to say that there has not been the highest level of Trump demonization for ages, a lot of it not having to do with January 6th, is just to deny what’s going on.

Matt Taibbi: So I was really fascinated by the moment where he does the follow-up question. He says, “To your point, you’re saying all these things about lowering the temperature and political rhetoric and yet...”

Walter Kirn: “You’re not doing it.”

Matt Taibbi: Yeah. This thing about the threat is exactly what you’re talking about. That’s what he meant by “to your point.” And her reaction, however you phrase that, whatever you said, because she clearly hears the question in a certain way, and how she hears it is it’s not what I said, basically. So what I say is that our administration condemns violence and anybody else’s use of political rhetoric is wrong.

Walter Kirn: She used the term political rhetoric as though it’s something you just wouldn’t be caught dead using yourself if you’re a White House press secretary, or...

Matt Taibbi: As if all they do all day long isn’t repeating taglines. And that’s true of both parties. Let’s be clear about it. Right? Oh my God, I just did it. Let me be clear.

Walter Kirn: Right. Okay. Yeah.

Matt Taibbi: But what’s so interesting is the mask kind of comes off in that second response. Because what she says is, “I’ve told you what the line is. The party line is we oppose political violence, we’ve condemned political violence. January 6th happened.”

18:00 ... 28:00 “Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?”

. . . 29:05 Walter Kirn: “It’s not quite working in assassination attempts to blame the target. . . . “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest? [from A Man for All Seasons]”

Matt Taibbi: “Existential Threat” is a term that they throw out all the time. Our very existence is on the line

. . . 30:55